Grade 7 Bridges Project

This project was one of the most challenging learning experiences I have facilitated, but it was also one of the most rewarding. With the encouragement of admin, our team decided to throw out our schedule and devote an entire month to this cross-curricular project. We began this project by doing a fun activity where students built towers out of spaghetti and marshmallows. Students tried many different approaches, and through some trial and error, were able to identify some strong shapes to use to construct a solid structure. A reflection followed to help them think about what processes they went through to be successful.

Spaghetti Tower Challenge – Spaghetti Tower introduction with reflection assignment.

After this challenge, we began building a knowledge base of structures with the end game in mind of creating a strong, popsicle stick bridge. An area we focussed on to help understand the purpose of gaining this new knowledge was by utilizing the building of the Walterdale Bridge in Edmonton. We were lucky enough to have the project manager come and speak with our students about some of the challenges they were facing with the building of the bridge. Students were very interested in the variety of obstacles, everything from supplier problems for the materials to having to preserve aboriginal burial grounds around the site of the build. We then went on a field trip to visit the construction site and take some observational notes about the construction process as well as look at some other structures, like the High-Level Bridge, to see the real application of the terminology we had been learning. Students took notes and completed scientific drawings of the structures they saw.

Bridge Field Trip – Observations worksheet students used while on the field trip.

Now students began the final process of the unit; constructing their own model bridge to replace the Walter Dale Bridge. Students took on different roles including a historian, a structural engineer, a materials expert, and a design chief. They completed research based on their role and came together to provide feedback for each other every day. We were extremely lucky to have a group of 5 engineer students from the U of A volunteer to come mentor our students throughout this process. They provided expert insight and advice and even agreed to help “judge” the final products. The final product included research, blueprints (to scale), a proposal letter to the city, a company philosophy, and their model bridge. Students applied their scientific knowledge, learned how to write persuasively, researched the historical significance of the bridge’s build location and collaborated to complete a major project. The building process itself was very fun. We had students “pay” for their materials and record a budget which included calculating taxes and labor costs. On the final day, our engineers went around and each group presented their proposal while the engineers graded their blueprints, overall design, materials use and final costs. Afterward, we tested each bridge to its breaking point by applying more and more weight. It was fantastic to hear the students explaining where the bridges were failing while using correct terminology and have a blast while doing it.

Bridge Project – This is the entire document for the final bridge project, starting with research and ending in building the popsicle bridge

Bridge Proposal Letter – Template for proposal letter

Bridge Project Reflection – Post project reflection


I love the opportunity science class provides to get students involved in hands-on activities and engaged in inquiry-based projects. Here are some samples of the activities/projects I have done with my class.

Science Podcast Assignment – This was a fantastic project to finish up our ecosystems unit. Students listened to some examples of podcasts, then researched an animal, planned, and created their own podcast

3D model Cells and Systems – Students created their own 3D model of a system from the body using whatever material they chose.

Water Filtration Device Project – A project where students explored the growing shortage of drinkable water especially in third world countries and then designed and built their own working water filtration device.

Planet Earth Geological Inquiry – Students explore the world of geology by completing a researched based inquiry project about any geological feature/event.

Survival Handbook – A great activity where students planned for a “worst case scenario” by creating a survival handbook to help someone survive a natural disaster.

Heat and Temperature Thermos Project – Student’s are tasked with using their knowledge of conduction, convection, and radiation to design and build a device that will keep boiling water hot for as long as possible.


Real Life Math Assessment

When teaching math, I believe in connecting learned concepts to real-world problems to make math class authentic and meaningful. Students must first have a strong understanding of the basic concepts before applying their knowledge to more complex problems. I achieve this by first identifying gaps in knowledge and then teaching to fill those gaps with conceptual understanding and accurate terminology. We practice using a variety of styles and tools so that students get an opportunity to learn in a way that suits them. We’ve used worksheets, mental math apps, websites like math IXL, and math “centers”. While typically used at the elementary level, we found that by utilizing the “centers” style of learning, students could get targeted practice at specific skills so they could easily identify which areas they needed further support in. All of this practice had the purpose of developing a “toolbox” of skills to help students solve more complex problems later on. Once equipped with the knowledge and understanding of each math topic, students then applied their understanding to real-life challenge. Linked below is a variety of different assessments used for math.

Stock Trading Assignment – An assignment where students learned about the stock market, researched stocks and bought their own using fake money. The purpose was to practice multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction of fractions and decimals while participating in a real-world challenge.

Statistics and Data Analysis Project – A project where students obtain a set of data by either designing their own survey or by finding a data set online.

Fencing a Field Problem – A project where students use google earth to apply their understanding of linear equations to design and find the cost to fence a field.

Circles and Area Final Project – A project where students build a 3-D model of a house and then calculate the area of the shapes contained in that structure -parallelograms/ triangles/circles

Prisms Final Project – A project where students create a 3-D model of any structure using the TinkerCAD website and then calculate the combined area and volume of their shape.

Rate Ratio and Percent Project – A project where students choose to either “fill up their first apartment” or “plan a vacation” which includes calculating prices, taxes, percentages of cost breakdown etc.

Social Assessment

One of my biggest challenges when teaching social studies for the first time was figuring out how to best let every student voice their perspective and access the curriculum from where they were at in life. Every student’s unique background meant that each would interpret the complex issues discussed in a different way. I wanted the student to have the opportunity to explain what they viewed as important and meaningful and not be worried about getting “the right answer”. The learning I was looking for was each student’s explanation and justification of WHY they viewed a historical event as important.

In order to achieve this, we began by researching the events and people involved in colonizing North America and rated their significance and included a justification. We completed a “circle of viewpoints” activity where students identified all the people who were involved or affected by colonization and chose 2 perspectives to develop an understanding from. We also completed a “colour, symbol, image” activity where students represented their understanding of the topics in a variety of ways by thinking at a deeper level. Finally, I designed a “bulls-eye” assessment. Listed on the front page were the many events we had studied. Students organized the events by putting what they deemed to be the most important events in the middle of the bulls-eye and events they thought were less important on the outside. They then chose 3 events to justify their choices. (They could choose why the thought events were more important or explain why they thought events were less important).

The results were great. Immediately I saw a difference in opinion based on student’s backgrounds, beliefs, and even socio-economic standing. Best of all, each student was able to demonstrate their understanding by providing great perspective and strong justification because they were invested in their choices.


Bulls-Eye Assessment (downloadable copy of assessment)

Confessions of a First Year Teacher

Let me first say that I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by! It seems like it was just yesterday that I was walking into Greystone Centennial Middle School for the first time. Ecstatic to meet colleagues, see my room and start preparing for the year. This has been a year of incredible growth and development for me both personally and professionally. It has been one of the busiest years of my life, as well as the most rewarding. A whirlwind of change and learning has happened, I’ve been pushed and pulled in a million different directions and as the school year comes to a close the only thing I can think is “I can’t wait to do it again next year”. In reflecting upon how my first full year of teaching has gone I feel like an appropriate title for a post of this nature should be “Confessions of a First Year Teacher”.

Confession #1: You cannot prepare for the unexpected…

When I look back to day 1 of the school year, one thing comes to mind; nervous excitement! As I’m certain every other first year teacher did, I strolled into my compact (tiny), distraction free (windowless) classroom with robust confidence in my educational ability. Equipped with all the tools to be successful and supreme assurance in my university training, I welcomed the challenge of working with 24 wonderful pre-teens. Of course, underneath this facade I was more nervous than the bright-eyed 12 year olds that I welcomed with calm, cool and collected poise. Students streamed in and claimed their spots around the classroom, unsure of their new teacher, new grade and for some a new school. Like nervous gunmen from the old west, they stared tensely, each waiting for the other to make the first move. We dove in head first, together on this new adventure.  What I quickly realized as we built classroom criteria together and co-created the expectations for the year, is that I was completely unprepared for what this year would entail. I have heard the adage often that one should always prepare for the unexpected. It quickly became evident how utterly false that statement is when it comes to maneuvering through the minefield of teenager emotional needs. I must have missed the course in university on managing emotional breakdowns, meeting demands for attention and avoiding one of a hundred possible privations in a day all while attempting to maintain a steady flow of curriculum content mixed with meaningful and authentic learning experiences. Nothing can prepare you for the endless stream of tasks. What I can confirm is that the whole process is exhilarating. Coming to the realization that I was completely ill-equipped was the first step of my rehabilitation. I made a contract with my students that I would always be willing to try new things, do my best, fail often, and learn from the experience. I told my students I would be a teacher who learned with them and from them. We were in this together and every student was enthusiastic about the transparency and willingness to embark on this adventure together. They don’t need (or want) a teacher who has an answer for everything and is prepared for every unforeseen circumstance They want someone who will be real with them, celebrate the successes, encourage the failures, laugh at their jokes, show interest in their stories and console them when their down and out. So do yourself a favor, don’t put any pressure on yourself and go with the flow, because try as hard as you might, you cannot prepare for the unexpected, but you can enjoy it.

Confession #2: DON”T “fake it till you make it”…

I really feel like there is a lot of pressure in this profession to pretend like you’ve got it all together all the time. The students expect you to have all the answers to life’s quandaries, parents want to know their child is in the most capable of hands, you want to create new, innovative approaches to learning and then there’s all the organization of IPPs, report cards, assessments and planning for the day. Meanwhile in either room beside yours is a 30 year veteran teacher who makes it all look easy. The tendency is to shut your door, labor through all of the work in solitude and then pretend like all is well when you step outside to do your rounds on supervision. Ignore those pesky lessons that fell flat and made a 50 minute block feel like forever, hide the fact that you had to spend 3 hours the previous night teaching yourself algebra because you don’t remember how to isolate the variable and personally withstand the onslaught of misbehavior because you hear from those 30 year veterans that they didn’t have any trouble keeping little Johnny in line. Fortunately I have been lucky enough to be at a school where collaboration isn’t only encouraged, it’s built into the schedule! The teachers support each other, discuss successes and failures and learn from one another. The doors are always open and everyone is always willing to listen with unjudging ears and prepared to share anecdotal stories from when they experienced similar downfalls. As a first year teacher I cannot express how much this has meant to me in terms of preserving my sanity. There has never been any pressure to fake it; in fact it has been the opposite. At Greystone we are encouraged to try things and inevitably fail. We as teachers spend countless hours impressing upon our students the confidence to be unafraid of failure; so why can’t we model those same attitudes? No one puts as much pressure on you as you put on yourself. So if there was one thing I would want to say it’s this; regardless of the school you are going to, whatever age you are, however many years you’ve been teaching, please don’t fake it till you make it. Open your doors, share everything, fail often and grow exponentially.

Confession #3: There’s more than one way to skin a cat…

In keeping the theme going of opening doors and collaborating, another thing I have learned this year is to be open to ALL new things. I still remember the narrow perception I had of education upon graduating university. I would teach the cores, all students would be excited about completing every assignment I gave them and everyone would finish their homework. So it was a learning experience to say the least when our principal approached our teaching team about dropping all the regular blocks as they were being taught and focus solely on science. Nervous trepidation is what I felt. Our team took on the challenge and began planning an inquiry process that would take our students through an intensive series of guided learning experiences constructed around the structures and forces science unit. Some of the greatest learning followed when all boundaries were broken down and students were allowed to immerse themselves in a field of study. Our team goal of ensuring student success by creating clear and purposeful learning intentions and shared success criteria as well as my personal goal of providing adequate time and support for focusing on the learning process rather than the product molded this project. The result was amazing; students were intrinsically motivated, completely engaged and overwhelmingly excited to learn in this way. My eyes were opened to the possibilities and I realized how powerful the learning could be when new and exciting approaches to learning were used. I started applying these principles to all areas and began to intentionally design inquiry based learning into every subject. Clear and guided expectations with goals for assignments co-created with the students. I spent way more time in feedback loops and formative assessment rather than focusing on finished products. Overall the quality dramatically increased as students became owners of their learning and proud of their work. I have tried many things this year that I would have never even thought of if it weren’t for the collaborative culture that abounds at Greystone. It is a characteristic of me now, an attitude I will take with me wherever I go.

Confession #4: At the end of the day, it is all about the students…

As I mentioned earlier, this has been the busiest year of my life. On top of trying to figure out this whole being a teacher bit, I moved houses (and cities) in the middle of the school year with a 10 month pregnant wife. I had my first child (I suppose that is obvious based on the previous statement), and went weeks surviving solely on coffee due to middle of the night feedings. I coached multiple sports and I volunteered at my church. It has been easy to see why teachers lose their passion and forget why we do what we do. I have experienced similar emotions when trying to cram in writing feedback on assignments between feeding and changing a new baby while trying to think what I will do with my class the next day and how I can talk to that certain student who is unmotivated and distracted by every little noise. Then I sit with a student and watch them have a light-bulb moment in math, or read a student’s beautiful breakdown of perspective and purpose on a social topic, or see a student’s astonished face when they complete a science experiment. I remember why I chose this profession when I go out and play some silly sport with my class or have them compete in a series of ridiculous challenges and everyone breaks down into laughter. I remember why I love getting up in the morning when a student takes a risk and does something unexpected or when they beg me to take a picture or film them doing something they’re proud of. I remember why this job is so important when I sit and listen to a student spill their guts about friends, their home life and their personal struggles and I help talk them through their difficult time. The relationships we as teachers build with our students can have profound and lasting effects and at the end of the day, it is the students that keep me coming back for more. While I know well the immense pressure of time and energy that is on us as teachers, I encourage everyone to spend time with your students outside of the classroom. Make time to discuss their hobbies and interests. Share your own personal experiences. Collect funny pictures of your students and celebrate successes with parents more often than you write about concerning misbehavior. These are the things that energize us and remind us why we chose the most rewarding profession there is.

Confession #5: Yes, I have lost a student’s work and made them do it again…

Besides the aforementioned offense, I have also called students the wrong names, wrongly accused others and completely overlooked other students misbehaving. I have told students I changed my mind (when actually I just forgot). I have had students video blog throughout an entire project, made the decision to wait until after Christmas to do something with those videos, only to find out that during the break they had erased the videos off of their computers and IPads. I have sent a group to go for a run just to get them out of my hair. I have spoken countless blunders and misspelled an alarming amount of words on the board.  I have laughed, been astonished, shocked and even dismayed at some of the things my students have said. I have spent what felt like hours discussing with a student their behavior, left believing a real breakthrough had happened only to see that student do that exact same behavior the next day (or even next block in some cases). It feels like I have done it all and made every mistake in the book. But the funny thing is when I look back on all of these events, I am not disheartened or disillusioned, I am proud of the growth and accomplishments I have had this year and thrilled to explore the next chapter of the adventure. I am exhilarated over the ever-changing landscape of being a teacher and I can’t wait to see what next year will bring.

Alberta Education Curriculum Redesign

For a while now I have been following the progress of the curriculum redesigning that is going on. This is an exciting time to be an educator in Alberta. As a new teacher entering the field I believe I am in a good position to accept and implement the upcoming curricular changes. Having just completed my university career, which means I just spent 4 years learning about the current curriculum, I have had plenty of time to reflect on what is being taught and how it is being taught in schools right now.


The world and how we interact in it is rapidly changing. Already the shift to an online and connected world has been taking place. This technology revolution has created new opportunities for learning, innovation, creativity and opportunities for previously unimagined jobs and occupations. All of these changes have been driven by my generation. But the next step in this revolution will have to be made by the newest wave of students. They are the future and will dictate where we go from here. This is why it is vital that we prepare our students for the changing world around them. We are now preparing students for an unknown and unknowable future with tasks and objectives to be completed that we cannot even dream of today.


The traditional way of educating has become insufficient. Basic knowledge is not an asset for students who can Google the answer to any simple question. It is no longer beneficial to hand our students lists of words, terms and formulas to memorize but rather we need to empower students to reach their full potential by emphasizing the development of key competencies. We need to engage students in critical thinking that encourages them to develop entrepreneurial spirits. I am excited about this shift in thinking. We know that every student learns differently and is motivated in different ways so it only makes sense that their education should be delivered on an individual basis. As well the programs and credit courses that are offered should be tailored to meet every student’s diverse needs. That is why I am excited to see the plans for the new curriculum and the options that will be available to students entering the school system.


One of the changes is a new dual credit strategy where students will be able to earn both high school and post-secondary credits for the same course. The credits earned in these courses could apply to workplace certification or advanced standing in post-secondary programs. This is a great way to make sure every student’s education is relevant and that those students can derive purpose from the courses and subjects they take.

An additional change that will be coming is improvement to the provincial diploma exams. Specifically, students will be provided with more flexibility and more options for writing the diploma exams through a digital format. This is exciting news and will benefit the students by giving them the confidence to succeed. Students write essays, answer questions and solve problems all on a computer but when it comes time for an exam it has been tradition to take tht technology away and make them write with a pen and paper. This is ridiculous in my opinion and detracts from the integrity of the assessment.

Another awesome shift that is coming is going away from simply linking credits to courses but instead, focusing on mastery of competencies. This high school flexibility program will mean more options for advanced and slower learners to progress at a rate that is better for them. Along with this is the introduction of student friendly assessments to replace the existing provincial diploma exams. The new assessments will focus on literacy and numeracy as well as give educators a way of allowing students to demonstrate competencies such as creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving.

All of these changes combined with the Education Act regulatory review which is focusing on helping provide students with the support and environment they need to be successful will mean a better education for this generation’s students. This is definitely an exciting time to be an educator! I love the shift in thinking and the steps this province is taking to ensure the success of our future leaders and innovators.

Alberta Education outlines the purpose and vision of the new curriculum on their website;

“To align with these shifts, Alberta’s future curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students will be built on a foundation of literacy and numeracy and will be digitally-based. It will place greater emphasis on the development of cross-curricular competencies to ensure that our students develop an interrelated set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that can be drawn upon and applied for successful learning, work and living.  However, the subjects will increasingly become a means to an end – the vehicles through which literacy, numeracy and competencies are developed by students.


Less prescriptive curriculum will further enable teachers, as designers of learning opportunities, to better meet both their students’ diverse learning styles and needs that are unique to the local community.”


For more information click HERE



First Day

Today was my first full day of teaching for my APT field experience. The day started off interesting with a rambunctious PE 30 boys class. These guys are awesome and they have a ton of energy. I had some difficulty harnessing that energy and I made a few mistakes that ended up detracting from class. Rookie mistake number 1: I threw out the bean bags into the play area before settling the guys down and explaining the rules of the game we would be playing. Immediate chaos followed. Of course everyone was picking up the bean bags, throwing them around or at each other and it took way longer than it needed to for the class to begin. Rookie mistake number 2: I put a few students on the same team that simply should not be on the same team. The old numbering off system failed me. In retrospect I should have made some trades as soon as I realized what was happening, but unfortunately I did not. The students fed off each other and they quickly were off task. Rookie mistake number 3: I let a few things slide that I should have addressed immediately. By not stopping and changing the behaviour of the students on the small things, they quickly progressed to more shenanigans. Rookie mistake number 4: I assumed that the activity I had planned would be enough to last the entire class. This ended up not being a big deal as I introduced some modification on the fly and was able to keep engagement for the entire class.

All in all, a pretty rough start, but it got better from there. The PE 10 girls class was a polar opposite experience. I used the same lesson plan and they loved it. They are such a great group and so enthusiastic that everything just ran better. I like to think that I learned from the first class and was smarter and more efficient on how I rolled out the lesson as well. The PE 20/30 girls class was awesome too. We only had 10 students so again I had to make some modifications on the fly. I discussed with the students some possible rule changes and we came up with an awesome game that everyone (myself included) enjoyed.

Today was a great learning experience. Even though the first lesson did not go exactly as planned, my mentor teacher encouraged me to roll it out again and the 2nd and 3rd times were big successes.  I got a big reminder to focus on my class management skills and that will help the lessons to run smoothly. I’m pumped and ready to keep going and see where things go!

Less is More

I recently had the opportunity to give a message at the youth group I volunteer at for Celebration Church. I relished the opportunity to speak into the lives of the youth in Edmonton as well as take advantage of building my personal skills as a communicator and public speaker.

My first attempt at writing what I would speak about was unsuccessful. I spent a significant amount of time thinking and contemplating what I wanted to discuss as well as spent the time writing down my thoughts. However, when I looked at the finished product I was unsatisfied. It felt bulky and disorganized. I realized that I was trying to pack too much information into too little time.

So I began again. This time I broke it down into simpler ideas and even removed several points that I previously had planned on addressing. Rather than attempting to overwhelm the students with an array of thoughts I decided to focus in on two major themes. This vastly simplified my message (as well as destroyed my word count). This turned out to be the best thing to happen to me. I used the extra time to connect with the group and establish a relationship from the stage. I spent ample time joking around and eased my way into the core of the message while producing a comfortable atmosphere for myself and the students.

In reflecting on this experience I realized that too often as teachers we spend our time worrying about filling every bit of time allotted to us and forget about the relationship building part of being an educator. I know for myself, spending time simply being with the students with no other agenda than to get to know them is infinity beneficial in the long run. Student’s who are comfortable with their teacher are more likely to participate in class discussion and be open to approaching them when they need help.

I think the important thing to remember is that we are guides, walking along with the students, not a instructional dictatorship. Students’ who feel apart of the learning process grasp concepts better and are more motivated to take control of their own learning.     

Microsoft Excel

Programs Used: Microsoft Excel

Scope of Knowledge: Use the full extent of  Excel by adding toolbars, formatting and aligning text and numbers, inserting formulas and functions and inserting charts. Also gain an understanding of absolute and relative cell referencing and how to sort data.

Work Sample: Click here to download sample